1. today: i met with someone to talk about some really cool oppurtunities for the summer, and for a nanosecond i was upset they don't pay as much as i'd like, but then i realized the sheer magnitude of the oppurtunities being offered. like this is something i've always dreamed of. i wouldn't miss it for the world. to be honest i'm kind of in love with life right now! even though i'm still going through the last week of exams and what not. things are great!

2. i'm looking forward to: making memories with my sister! it's her sweet sixteen on wednesday and i've got tons of little things planned all week. i really hope she likes it.

3. one thing that'll make my week: if i can walk out either of my exams without thinking "i should've studied more," cause that's the worse. guess i better get back to it then!

thanks to pelayolacazette for this ADORABLE picture
to read why i do this, and for formatting, see here.