Original Post Date: February 12, 2009
song of the day: great dj, the ting tings

i'm afraid these thoughts are going to be particularily poignant. i'm suuuuper sleepy today and i don't have much to say. (mind you, that's what i say everyday, and these usually end up being rather long). i went shopping today! it makes me so happy! i spent a bit too much though. like it was stuff i needed, but i paid too much for it. ohhhh well. that's better than paying too much for stuff i don't need (i'm guilty of this most often). i got two new bras! so i can simultaneously check off the fourth and fifth item on my vday list! (only two more days! woohoo!) oh and update: i did thirty minutes of random dancing today, it was good times =P

i'm SO ready for warmer weather! i wanna buy sandals, eat popsicles and walk in the grass! i could try it now, but it wouldn't quite be the same. i may attempt to wear a skirt tomorrow. stick it to the man! haha. tomorrow i've got my appointment with the guidance counsellor person to try and switch my major. cross your fingers for me! =)

that's really all for today, hope you're having a good one!